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Friday, 11 November 2011


~Supplies Needed~

Tube ~ I'm using the awesome artwork of Ismael Rac, which you need a licence to use & can get here ~ XERACX

Scrapkit ~ Heavens Angels by Broken Dreamz Scrpas here ~ Taggers Delight

Filter ~ Xero Radiance, Xero Porcelaine, Noise

Font ~ FFF Urban, MaryHelen

Animation ~ Aura by Missy here ~ Divine Intentionz

~Lets Begin~

New raster 600x200, paste paper 9 as new layer

Paste Elem 38 as new layer, resize till it fits inside the sides of canvas, drag it down abit so its not taking up all of the canvas

Paste small tube as new layer, move to left of canvas, xero radiance, duplicate, mirror, merge down

Paste Elem 29 as new layer, resize 50% twice, move to the left abit, duplicate, mirror, merge down

Paste medium tube as new layer in middle, make sure its at top of layer palette, xero porcelaine, xero radiance.

Paste Elem 50 as new layer, resize 50% twice, move to the left & place on top of the Flowers, duplicate mirror, merge down

Highlight the paper layer, select crop tool, top right corner & you will see 'Snap crop rectangle to', click on merged opaque

Still on paper layer, select all, modify, select selection borders 5, new layer & flood fill with a gradient - FG white, BG #a2a2a2, Linear, Angel 46, repeats 2, Invert ticked, add some noise, add fat white gradient glow, add small drop shadow

Add © & name

Hide border & main tube, copy merged the rest in to Anim Shop

Find animation Arua, select all & you willsee it has 12 frames

On main tag duplicate till you have 12 frames, select all

Make sure that the Aura animation is at frame 1 & also your tag, click inside frame 1 of the animation & drag it into frame 1 of your tag, view animation

Back in PSP unhide rest of layers & hide border & main tube, copy merged in to Anim Shop

Duplicate till you have 12 Frames, select all, copy & paste in to main tag, make sure you get it lined up correctly before clicking.

View animation & if happy save!

To make the Avatar you basically do the same but on a smaller scale. I made mine 125x175, every Forum is diff so please go by their rules

I hope you enjoyed my Tutorial ♥


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